Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, many of you know the frustrations I've had, and still having, with our AKC certified purebreed chocolate lab, Toby Wan Kanobe. I believe there is no other dog like Toby, anyone is welcome to prove me wrong. We recently purchased a $125.00 (ouch) shock collar to help with the obediance training. (By the way, this is my last resort, if this doesn't work, he's gone!) One of his latest works of art is our fence. There is now a new hole(in the fence) that leads to our neighbor's yard. Needless to say, they aren't too pleased about that. So this shock collar is suppose to stop them in their tracks. Following the directions, we start out on the lowest setting. Toby would remain hyper. We bumped it up a notch, he got more hyper, another notch, and a new level of hyperactivity. I'm beginning to think my stick worked better than this shock collar. So we took it up another notch and still (we thought) nothing is happening. Until Myles informed us that his "peepee kept turning red". From day one, Myles has been curious about his boy parts. Then it dawned on Jeremy and I, we were , um, "turning him on" , if you know what I mean. So much for the shock collar. I've called it the "$125.00 turn on". We've had to turn it up fairly high, so we will see what the next few weeks will bring.


Cheri said...

Oh, that is so funny! Crazy too. Good luck with a newborn AND Toby! We'll be praying for you!

JaNan said...

You have more patience than me to deal with a dog, however the shock collar is totally funny :o) best of luck with him.

I hope your little one arrives safely we're looking forward to pictures.

Reeses Pieces said...

Oh my gosh, that's pretty funny. That's an expensive turn on for a dog!

Beth said...

I saw you posted a comment on Shannon Bryant's blog, so I just had to contact you. Thank you so much for keeping us on your Christmas list the past few years. I have not been so good about sending out Christmas cards, but this year I will get it done. You're probably having a baby right now. Congratulations and good luck! How is Jeremy's practice? I see that you've passed along your love of bike riding on to your children! I will put new photos on our blog at bethtrites.blogspot.com. We, too have three children. AJ is also adjusting to kindergarten, Tessa is a preschool princess and Julianne will be two next week. I told Alan just tonight that Tessa has passed on her drama queen torch to Julianne.

Miranda said...

Angie, that is SO funny! I just have to tell you to hang in there, because it will get better! We went through the same things with Bear, but he finally calmed down (sort of), and we're so glad we stuck it out.