Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The latest victim of Toby's is Myles' bike seat. Unfortunately, his fancy bike seat that matched his bike (flames and all) has been torn to shreds. The bike is still ride-able, but not comfortable. Jeremy and I were so upset, but we didn't know what to do. Toby just stood, tail wagging, grinning from ear to ear. He was so proud of his accomplishment. We also have torn up door jams, corners of my cupboards have been re-antiqued, princess doll heads are missing, the weather stripping of our backdoor/garage door is gone, bike helmets have been reshaped, and he has now broke his leash THREE times.Oh..any camp chair that has been left out no longer has a cup holder. And why did we get him? All for the many reasons of having a family pet. Namely, the love and devotion I have seen Toby give these children and the love and caring nature I've seen in my children. We sure love that rascal. But what am i going to do about a new seat with flames?


Jeni said...


I am SO glad to finally have your blog address! I have missed you guys, terribly! And oh, my, how the kids have grown!!!! And you're pregnant again..congrats!!! Hope you're through the icky part of morning sickness and such. I will be up visiting my inlaws for a little while in July while David is at field training, and I want to go ahead and reserve a play date, but mostly so we can catch up! I'll be in touch. Yay for blogs and keeping people in touch!!!

Reeses Pieces said...

Oh man, that stinks! My kids want a dog so bad but I'm hesitant for many of those reasons. I know one of these days they're going to talk me into it though. Then I'm going to be in big trouble. I'm holding off as long as I can.

Kari said...


Oh my goodness I found you! It is Kari from the good old Ogden days! What a sweet family you have! Email me sometime so we can catch up! . :)

Kari said...

sorry me again- our blog is