Sunday, November 16, 2008

We were so blessed to have my parents come visit us. We blessed Evelyn and my Dad came to be a part of it. AND...he didn't even get airsick!! My mother came prepared with several "barf bags"! We had so much fun just hanging out and enjoying one anothers company. We spent an afternoon at Herb Parsons Lake and ended up with some darling pictures. ENJOY!


ahmetnuray said...

Ahmet Nuray having lots of special collections in exactly 20 private museum and galleries in Switzerland incorparates his studies in the field of pedagogy with his art.
Being both a pedagogue and having a collection of his own studies in the field of pedagogy, Nuray is mentioned in Switzerland media as it follows.
‘His idea of art is not also life but also sharing. His pieces of work aren’t for decorating but for realizing and touching .Thus, the marble will come to life and whisper its secret.
The artist is mostly deals with in many of his pieces of work.One of his sculpture was appropriated to White House by Mrs.Reagan.
Having a workshop in Tarabya ,Nuray will spend a great deal of his time in Turkey.His ambition is to work for the benefit of Turkish children and to be able to give them free sculpture courses.\bronz+heykeller\

Ahmet Nuray
Founder and president of Quantum Idea Group

Eilu said...

you have a beautiful dog =) and you live in a nice place, y love your bike, and i loved your phrase "Life is like riding a bicycle- You don't fall off unless you stop pedalling!". Thats true =)

Reeses Pieces said...

I love that last picture. Your new camera does a great job. It was fun to meet your mom. I'm glad you got to get some family time in.

grammy said...

Ah, what great pictures, loved them all! Had the time of our lives with you, Jeremy, and the children. Wouldn't trade being a grammy for anything in the world.

HJ said...

The picture of Myles and the trees in the background looks like it was planned it is sooo beautiful. It looks professional the colors and the innocence of the boy. I had no idea you lived in such a beautiful area. I wish I could come and visit you. Hopefully some day. Love and miss you. HJ

Melanie said...

Angela, Those are such great pictures! I'm so glad your parents got to come and visit. That must have been so fun. Oh, and your last post totally reminds me of Bad Dog Marley! No suggestions, just sympathy. :) Hang in there. Melanie

The Palmers said...

You take some nice pictures.