Yesterday I took the kids on a bike ride around the neighborhood and then to the park. Well, it took alot longer than I thought it would. You would understand if you've ever tried to get Samantha to ride her bike, for more than 5 minutes. Which is ironic considering the love Jeremy and I have for bikes. Myles was so good for her. He loves to ride really fast and wait for us at the corner. Instead of waiting, he would then ride back and push Sammie for a while, run back, get back on his bike, and catch up with us. At one point we lost Evelyn's hat, he rode back 3 blocks and brought it back to me. Finally, an hour and half later were on our way home. Sammie's whining is starting to get on my nerves, but I just keep coaxing her along. And then she crashed. Big Time! And if anyone knows Samantha, she continually wins the Grammy for the Most Dramatic. Myles and I help her get back on her bike and then he tells me, Mom, i'm going to ride ahead and open the garage. Okay. I carry Sammie in, trying to get her to calm down. Myles is sitting there at the kitchen table with band-aids, a popsicle, and barbie dolls to play with "so she can forget about her ouies" What a big brother! With such a good heart! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful boy.